Advent Reading Plan
Day 26: Luke 2:8-20
By Pastor Phil Christmas Day! The arrival! The Son of God is born! It is the biggest story, the greatest news in the history of the world. God has become man, born of woman, come to live among us and save us from our sins. It’s the story that must be shared with the world.…
Read MoreDay 25: Luke 2:1-7
By Pastor Jeff I think it’s neat how Christmas is sometimes celebrated differently in every household. Some put presents under the tree unwrapped on Christmas morning, while some can’t wait until Christmas morning so they celebrate on Christmas Eve, while others make long journeys across the land to arrive at their loved ones home…
Read MoreDay 24: Matthew 1:18-25
By Pastor Brittany I’ve heard the story many of times of Jesus’ birth and God’s promises that lead to that wonderful moment when the Messiah entered the world. Often times I’ve reflected on Jesus, many times I wondered how Mary must have felt facing what seemed to be a scandal to outsiders, many times…
Read MoreDay 23: Micah 5:2-5
By Pastor Sarah This passage is a reminder to me of 3 things: that God is faithful to His promises, however small or big they might be, that God is at work in all things, and that God is attentive to the details. How did I get all of that from these few verses? I’m…
Read MoreDay 22: John 1:1-9
By Pastor Brian Every year, as soon as we finish setting up the Christmas tree we turn off all the house lights and just sit in the soft glow of the Christmas lights for a few minutes and soak in the beauty of the season. It really is one of my favorite moments…
Read MoreDay 21: Isaiah 9:1-7
By Pastor Phil “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Can you remember a time when you were afraid of the dark? I can. I remember as a little boy being afraid to go down the…
Read MoreDay 20: Luke 1:67-80
By Pastor Jeff I don’t think anyone needs me to explain to you that we live in a dark and evil world. Our world is a dark place and it seems to be getting darker by the day, with all the events that have taken place over the past month we can quickly see…
Read MoreDay 19: Luke 1:57-66
By Pastor Brittany A baby is born. What a great day it is when a baby is born. It doesn’t even matter if I know the baby, I can be scrolling through Facebook and see someone posted a picture of their great-niece twice removed and I still say “oh, how sweet is she?” Babies…
Read MoreDay 18: Luke 1:46-56
By Pastor Sarah The songs of Christmas are part of the beauty of the season, but sometimes they become the background music to everything else that happens – shopping, eating, decorating – rather than the starring role. I love to sing at Christmas time! Songs of joy, peace, comfort, and The Story fill the…
Read MoreDay 17: Luke 1:39-45
By Pastor Brian When Mary went to visit Elizabeth, she literally brought the presence of Jesus into Elizabeth’s home. When she entered the house, she carried Jesus in her body and His presence made an immediate difference in the people who lived in the house. Luke tells us that at the sound of Mary’s greeting…
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