Day 18: Luke 1:46-56
The songs of Christmas are part of the beauty of the season, but sometimes they become the background music to everything else that happens – shopping, eating, decorating – rather than the starring role. I love to sing at Christmas time! Songs of joy, peace, comfort, and The Story fill the air. Songs we only sing once a year, but songs we know by heart. They are familiar and beautiful. But, the original Christmas song is the one found in today’s passage. In my Bible it’s titled, Mary’s Song.
A few verses before an angel had come and given her the news that she was to carry and deliver the Messiah. I love that Mary’s response is to sing and worship the Lord. “Don’t be afraid,” the angel had said to her, which indicates that she was indeed scared, frightened, and anxious at what was happening. Yet, she chooses to worship. As the days went on Joseph had to be told, her friends and family were becoming aware that something had happened because she could only hide the truth for so long. Fear of what others would say, fear of angry words, and loss of friends. In the face of fear, Mary chooses to sing a song of praise.
“How can this be,” Mary asked the angel. So much confusion. Too much to comprehend. I, personally, would be saying, “Slow down. Now, what? Say it all again!” Yet, despite the confusion, the worry, the concern, Mary chooses to worship the Lord.
Mary worships and declares, “My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for He has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” In spite of fear and confusion I’ll rejoice for God has seen me, He’s taken notice of me, He’s chosen me!
Mary praises the Lord for His mercy and for His faithfulness to His promises throughout the generations. Because, He was faithful to Abraham, her ancestor, she can trust that He will continue to be faithful to her as well. She can never thank Him enough for His faithfulness.
There is much to be imitated from Mary’s response, and this Christmas I too will worship. In spite of my own fears and worries for the future, this Christmas I will worship. Regardless of my own confusion and wonderings, yet will I praise the Lord. For He is faithful, His is merciful, and He is mindful of us.
The songs of Christmas are more than Jingle Bells and White Christmas – they are songs of God’s promises coming to pass. They are songs of praise that a Deliverer and a Saviour has been born! Will you, too, sing songs of praise and worship the Lord this Christmas?
Come and worship
Come and worship
Worship, Christ the newborn King.