Christmas Eve: The Christ Candle
It’s Christmas! It’s here. The Advent of Jesus, which we have been awaiting, is finally making its hoped for appearance. A time when the weary world finds reason to rejoice. A moment in which darkness makes way for light and hope squeezes past sorrow.
Read MoreThe Fourth Sunday of Advent: Peace
Over the course of this Advent season we’ve been waiting for the promised Redeemer, the king who will forever reign with justice and righteousness, and the one the prophets foretold to arrive. Now we retrace those steps realizing that from the moment sin entered the picture in the Garden of Eden peace has been hard to come by.
Read MoreThe Third Sunday of Advent: Joy
From the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden, the need for a Redeemer was seen and felt and the promise of His coming was first made. A Redeemer, a Savior, but also a king who would come from the line of King David who would rule forever and ever with justice and righteousness was promised as well.
Read MoreThe Second Sunday of Advent: Love
The love that is on display at Christmas must first be understood through a covenant that was made between God himself and King David long ago. The people of Israel had begged and pleaded to be like the other nations and to have a king to rule over them.
Read MoreThe First Sunday of Advent: Hope
To fully understand the Christmas story we look back to the Garden of Eden. You’ve heard it said that everything you need to know in life you learned in Kindergarten, well, everything you need to know about God’s plan for us and for redemption you learn in the first 3 chapters of Genesis.
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