Proverbs 18
By Pastor Phil
Reading the bible I’m always struck by its relevance to my life and my current circumstances. The Holy Spirit has a way of making the written word come alive in our hearts and minds. Reading the book of Proverbs is no different. Depending on the day, depending on the circumstances, something can stand out one day that I hardly notice if I read it the next. His wisdom imparted to us from His Word is just like His mercy to us, it is new every morning!
As I read chapter 18 I was noticing again the contrast between the wise/righteous and the foolish/wicked. The foolish person cares only about himself, only wants to air his own opinions, stirs up trouble with his words and finds himself trapped and ruined by his own foolishness. He has no where to turn in times of trouble because he refuses to listen to wise counsel and defies all sound judgment.
The Bible tells us the fool has said in his heart there is no God. Defying sound judgment, when storms or trouble comes the fool relies on his own strength, wisdom and ability. The fool says, “I don’t need God, or a god, to help me. I can save myself.” Verse 12 tells us that kind of foolish pride and arrogance comes right before his downfall.
What of the wise/righteous? Our answer is found in verse 10. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” The wise person knows to run to the Lord. What is meant by the name of the Lord? The writer may be thinking of the attributes of the Lord that make him the perfect place of safety and security for his people in a time of trouble. His name suggests who he is to us in troubled times: Savior, Redeemer, Healer, Faithful, Righteous, Just, Merciful, Good, Kind, All Knowing, All Powerful, Ever Present, Unchanging, and so much more. His name means salvation for us. His mercy and compassion keep us from being consumed, his power keeps us from being overwhelmed by the enemy, his faithfulness preserves us in every storm. He is our strong tower. He is our safety, our security, our city of refuge. He is our defense from the enemy. There is no weapon that can stand against him. Nothing hell can devise can tear down the walls of his protection. Not even the gates of hell can prevail against him. He is our strong tower!
The righteous run to the Lord and are safe. The wise know to run to Him. We are talking about running as fast as we can. Running without hesitation. Running straight-away to Him, first and always, because we know only in him can we truly be safe.
The word translated as “safe” is from a Hebrew word that means “high”, “lofty”, “inaccessible.” We receive that picture of a strong tower, a walled fortress situated high above the enemy where we are safe from sin and from hell itself. He is our refuge, our strength, our fortress, our strong tower, our safe haven. Run to him and be safe from every enemy, every trial, every storm. A hymn we used to sing says, “The tempest may sweep o’er the wild stormy deep, In Jesus I am safe evermore!”
Make your prayer today that of King David when he prayed, “Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.” Psalm 61:1-3