Proverbs 19
By Pastor Sarah
As school starts back my Facebook newsfeed has filled up with pictures of kids and teenagers on their first day of school. So much potential, so many fresh starts, so many dreams are represented in those pictures. The little ones go off to school and will be told over and over that they can be anything they want to be when they grow up. At some point during the school year they’ll have some sort of career day and they’ll be asked what they want to be when they grow up. The answers always vary and are more often than not extremely ambitious – an astronaut and an MBA player, a vet and a teacher. The dreams and plans are endless. As the child ages the question changes to what are you planning to study in college, what do you want to do with your life. The answers become a bit more realistic as they understand exactly how many years of school are involved in being an astronaut and they see that they really have no talent for sports! Of course, there are also those adults who are still trying to figure out what they want to be “when they grow up.”
We all have so many plans, dreams, desires, and goals. What will I do, what I will become, if only I had another lifetime to experience so many more things. Then I read Proverbs 19:21, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” It’s been a favorite verse for many years. I plan, and dream, and set goals, but when it comes down to it – if I’m truly surrendered to the Lord – it will be His purpose for my life that will ultimately bring fulfillment and success.
It’s good to set goals and make plans, but don’t forget to consult the Lord! Prayerfully dream big dreams, ask the Lord what career He has for you, seek wisdom from His word on the direction for your life. Many are the plans, but the thing that will work the best is following God’s plan. Verse 23 says, “The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content.” We can follow the Lord’s plan – seek it out – and find that it leads to life and contentment.
When I grow up I want to be one who serves the Lord wholeheartedly and follows His plans wherever they might take me. Lord, may your purpose prevail in my life! Amen!