Proverbs 22

By Pastor Brian As I read through today’s chapter there were two verses that really caught my attention. The rich and poor have this in common: The Lord made them both. So often we judge people by exterior measurements, as if money or skill or physical attractiveness or popularity are some kind of actual indicators of…

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Proverbs 21

By Pastor Bryce I love how this chapter opens up. The first 4 verses deal with the heart of the individual. I have found many times in my life that if my heart aligns with the heart of the Father it becomes so much easier to do the right thing. When I stray from doing…

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Proverbs 20

By Pastor Jeff Proverbs 20:22 – “Do not say, ‘I’ll pay you back for this wrong!’ Wait for the Lord, and he will avenge you.” Revenge! It’s a bad thing, but let’s be honest we have all been there right? When we ourselves or someone close to us is wounded, slighted, or done wrong, if…

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Proverbs 19

By Pastor Sarah As school starts back my Facebook newsfeed has filled up with pictures of kids and teenagers on their first day of school. So much potential, so many fresh starts, so many dreams are represented in those pictures. The little ones go off to school and will be told over and over that…

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Proverbs 18

By Pastor Phil Reading the bible I’m always struck by its relevance to my life and my current circumstances. The Holy Spirit has a way of making the written word come alive in our hearts and minds. Reading the book of Proverbs is no different. Depending on the day, depending on the circumstances, something can…

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Proverbs 17

By Pastor Brittany Some wise person once told me (I’m not sure who, but they had to be wise) to choose my battles. Being that I hate confrontation in any form or fashion, this isn’t always a difficult idea for me to follow. If someone disagrees with you then let them have their opinion. Someone…

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Proverbs 16

By Pastor Brian  There are two verses in this chapter that when I read them I immediately thought “Oh, that’s in this chapter!” They’re “mostly famous” verses; the kind of verses you hear repeated often enough to recognize, but not enough to know where to find them. The first one is verse 18–often simplified down…

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Proverbs 15

By Pastor Bryce When I read this chapter, I see many different themes, but there are two that really stuck out to me. The first one is speech. There are 4 verses that address what comes out of our mouth. The opening verse says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs…

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Proverbs 14

By Pastor Jeff My son, Trey, and I love to watch the TV show “Man vs. Wild” on the Discovery Channel. For those of you that have never watched it let me give you a quick synopsis of it. It is about a man who gets dropped in various wilderness settings and then he has to spend days…

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Proverbs 13

By Pastor Sarah There are so many great instructions found in Proverbs 13, but the one that hurts me to the core is verse 3. “He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.” If ever I had a problem in school it was for my mouth.…

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