The Second Sunday of Advent: Love
The love that is on display at Christmas must first be understood through a covenant that was made between God himself and King David long ago. The people of Israel had begged and pleaded to be like the other nations and to have a king to rule over them.
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To fully understand the Christmas story we look back to the Garden of Eden. You’ve heard it said that everything you need to know in life you learned in Kindergarten, well, everything you need to know about God’s plan for us and for redemption you learn in the first 3 chapters of Genesis.
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Read MoreProverbs 31
By Pastor Brittany Proverbs 31 is the final verse in this summer journey of wisdom. Now, some of you guys may be thinking, “this is really just for the ladies.” Don’t leave yet. I don’t believe that’s the case. You see, Proverbs 31 has always sort of intimidated me. As if I didn’t have enough…
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By Pastor Phil The wisdom of Proverbs 30 comes from someone other than Solomon. We know little about Agur, the author of these sayings other than what he tells us. He is a brilliant observer of life and its’ mysteries, placing in categories for us things that are simply too amazing, too wonderful for us…
Read MoreProverbs 29
By Pastor Brittany Sitting here in a hospital room, having just gone through the awful experience of watching nurses put an IV in my two month old son, I kept thinking the thought that every parent who has witnessed their child in pain has thought, “if only I could take it away from them.” For…
Read MoreProverbs 28
By Pastor Brian You don’t get too far into this chapter before you run into a very disturbing verse: “God detests the prayers of a person who ignores the law.” Proverbs 28:9 (NLT) Doesn’t that run counter to all those nice, feel-good things we say about God? Doesn’t God hear every prayer and always answer…
Read MoreProverbs 27
By Pastor Bryce As I read this chapter, I see a few commonly quoted verses, such as verse 17, which states, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” So, I have challenged myself to look past the commonly quoted verses, and to focus on some that I personally have not considered before. The…
Read MoreProverbs 26
By Pastor Jeff I have thoroughly enjoyed writing these blogs over Proverbs, but I have found that when it comes to coming up with a topic to talk about I have found myself struggling because every Proverb is filled with great things. It’s difficult to decide what topic that I should focus on. But, this chapter made it…
Read MoreProverbs 25
By Pastor Sarah Words, to me, are extremely important. I love the written word, which is why I surround myself with books, and I love to hear words said aloud in a sermon or a speech. I also enjoy sarcastic banter and kind words spoken between friends. Words have power and meaning. A kind word,…
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