Proverbs 23
By Pastor Brittany
As I read through this chapter there were many good words of wisdom that could easily be applied to life, however, there was one verse that leapt off the page at me. Incidentally, this verse is my life’s motto when it comes to work, relationships, my spiritual walk, raising children and many other aspects of life. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve actually purchased a shirt for my first daughter when she was a baby that said, “my mom doesn’t want your advice” but it was eventually boxed up with clothes she could no longer wear still holding tightly to its tags from the store.
It’s verse 12, “apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge” that became my motto for life in my later years of high school and has stuck with me since. I can remember a few conversations with my youth pastor, Darryl, where I just sat there as he spoke of ministry and thought to myself, “I can’t imagine what I’d do” or “I never knew that.” That’s when I realized that I know nothing. I have been referred to as the wise one or the old soul (by people who clearly don’t really know me!), but the truth is, I’m just as ignorant as the next person.
I’ve realized more and more as I enter new stages of life that I need people in my life who know more than me and I haven’t been quiet about that reality. In fact, its the first thing I tell those younger than me as they too enter new stages of life. Be a sponge. Soak it up. Listen. Take it to heart. Observe. Learn. You’re an idiot (well, I don’t actually use those words). You think you have it figured out. I did too. The truth is, we know nothing. I believe with all my heart that God puts people all around us to help us grow into the person He created us to be. I also believe that no matter what you accomplish in this life, there is still something left to learn. 8, 18, 48, 88, it doesn’t matter your age. Life is constantly teaching us. God is constantly teaching us. If we’ll pay attention to what’s going on around us, there is so much to learn that will make us better and help us be who God wants us to be.
There are many occasions where I note to myself that I’m probably the most ignorant (ok, I’ll be real… I use the word dumb) one in the room, but what would be the fun in knowing more than everyone else? I wouldn’t want to be bored or become lazy. I prefer to be around people who have something to share that is worth soaking in. Are you the know-it-all or the sponge? Be the sponge. It’s much more exciting.