Our Church

Our Story

In 1934, a small group of Spirit-filled believers began meeting in the upper room of the Carbondale Drug Store. These gatherings were the unexpected beginnings of Carbondale Assembly of God.

Our church has thrived in this community for over 90 years. We’ve seen countless people adopted into the family of God. We’ve experienced supernatural healings. We’ve sent dozens of pastors and missionaries out into the world. We’ve given millions of dollars away, and we’ve even survived a tornado.

Our Vision

Carbondale Assembly exists to see the Kingdom of God reign on earth as it reigns in heaven. We accomplish this through the Spirit-empowered pursuit of the greatest commission the world has ever known—to make disciples who make disciples.

Our Values

Loving people as they are without leaving people where they are

Inspiring multiplication through teaching, training, trusting and sending

Engaging adventurously and generously in the global mission of Christ

Celebrating the multi-generational, multi-ethnic, adoptive family of God

Our Beliefs

  • We believe the Bible is inspired by God and will not fail.
  • We believe in one true God revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe Jesus was born of a supernatural birth, lived a sinless life, suffered an undeserved death, resurrected after three days, and ascended to the right hand of the Father.
  • We believe that all have fallen short of God’s glorious standard and are in desperate need of salvation.
  • We believe Jesus is the only way to a restored relationship with God and the only way to abundant life in this world and in the world to come.
  • We believe the Holy Spirit dwells in all believers and that every believer can pursue the baptism in the Holy Spirit to receive dynamic, disciple-making empowerment.
  • We believe Jesus will come again to be reunited with a glorious Church expectantly awaiting his return.
  • Carbondale Assembly is part of a fellowship of independent churches known as the Assemblies of God. To learn more about the Assemblies of God, visit their website at ag.org.