Day 5: Isaiah 35:1-10
Over the past several years I have come to realize that in life there will be ups and downs, good days and bad days, but when you finally learn to look at the big picture you quickly understand that through it all God will always be there, and for that I am eternally grateful. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to make predictions on whether or not God is going to show up in your time of trouble, if God loves you, if He hears you when you call on Him or if He really is coming back after us?
Trust me. We have all made predictions; predictions on the weather, predictions about the ballgame, predictions about the stock market, and sometimes predictions are as simple as will there be any chocolate peanut butter pie left for me when I get home from work today. You see all of these predictions, well they usually always come with some kind of condition attached to them. As long as this doesn’t change and that doesn’t happen then these predictions may come true. The weather man will predict that we have a 40% chance of snow “if,” I might predict that my team is going to win “if,” and the pie, well, that’s a pretty easy prediction “if” I can beat my boys home chances are I will get a piece of that wonderful chocolate peanut butter pie.
Aren’t you glad that the word of God isn’t conducive to “ifs’.” The one thing that I am sure of is we don’t have to make predictions on the word of God. It is and always will be found true. God is and always will be a faithful, true, loving God, His plan for all of us has been outlined in His book, no predictions needed He’s coming back. When? No one knows, but He said it and, yes, I believe it. So as we get ready to celebrate this wonderful time of the year of our Savior’s birth, I am growing more and more eager to celebrate His great return.
This isn’t a prediction based on certain conditions this will happen and when it does just like His word says we will shout and celebrate because all of our sorrows and worries will be gone. We will experience a joy that will go beyond anything we have ever felt before. Never before have we ever lived with 100% happiness and 0% sadness. Never before have we ever existed with full pleasure and no pain but this is what God says is coming.
Isaiah says it like this.
“Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs.”
Everything that sin ruined will be fixed. The land that was turned into a wasteland will spring forth with life. Where there was once no water whatsoever, it will now overflow. Bodies that were ravaged by sin will be made whole. The blind will see again, the deaf will hear. The lame will leap and dance with joy forever. The mute will sing and shout . It will all be a great and glorious day. Lord please come quickly.