Day 12: Isaiah 40:1-11
I was sitting in Starbucks trying to wrap my head and heart around the rich Christmas themes found in this Old Testament prophecy about the coming of God’s Savior. Here we find the heart of the Christmas story recorded hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus.
Here is how I would sum it up: Take comfort and be at peace, the Savior has come! God’s rescue plan is unfolding and our sins and rebellion against God are being forgiven. God has moved Heaven and earth to make a way! Go and announce this Good News—God has come in might and power. He is faithful to keep His promise to care for His people and shepherd them with tender mercies!
This is the message of the Christmas story wherever we find it—from the first promise of a Savior back in the Garden of Eden, through the countless Old testament prophecies about the coming of a Redeemer, to the announcement of the angels to the shepherds on that first Christmas day—Don’t be afraid, this is Good News, a Savior has come, God is pouring out His grace and favor on all of us!
As I sat there in Starbucks nursing my cup of coffee and pondering these ideas I noticed a familiar tune being played. As I began to hum along I realized that it captured what I was feeling quite beautifully. It was the Christmas carol God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.
God Rest Ye merry Gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay;
Remember Christ, our Savior,
Was born on Christmas day,
To save us all from Satan’s power
When we were gone astray.
O tidings of Comfort and Joy.
Comfort and Joy.
O tidings of Comfort and Joy.
Advent is a season of comfort and Joy because Christ our Savior was born. He came to save us all from sin and death just as God promised He would! This is what we remember, this is what we celebrate, this is what we proclaim!